苹果宣布全新 Apple Store 明日在伦敦开幕:以本地植物为设计灵感,设有英国首个 Apple Pickup 专区 IT之家7 月 27 日消息,今日,苹果预览了 Apple Brompton Road 零售店。这是 Apple 在伦...
2. Double-check the car when you'll pick it up; 3. Call the police (dial 110) and the rental agency immediately in case of a traffic accident. 1. 签署合同前应认真浏览合同再...
《在地下城寻求邂逅是否搞错了什么:无限战斗》(s It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate)将于2018年春季登陆PS4/PSV平台。
3. Where can I pick it up(drop it off)? 我什么时候可以提车(还车)? 4. Automatic or stick shift? 自动档还是手动档? 5. You can have unlimited mileage for the car. 你租的车没有...
Could you explain “to pick up stream”? My comments: Steam, not stream. “Steam” is an anology back to the olden days when steam trains ruled the rail tracks – they’ve long been replaced by electric trains. Those steam trains were powered by st...
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